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Descripción del proyecto

Proyecto financiado por el Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), referencia AC21_1/00006, a través de los fondos Next Generation EU, que financian las actuaciones del Mecanismo para la Recuperación y la Resiliencia (MRR)

ecently the beneficial psychological and physiological effects of certain aromas, used in combination with light therapy, have been demonstrated scientifically and shown to be robust and reproducible. Based upon this evidence the objective of this project is to create an affordable solution of high quality and with a high degree of end-user acceptance and product-market fit. The device will use the latest commercially relevant technologies within precise light and aroma release and digital wellness in combination with the project’s own “secret sauce”. Testing of various end-user-oriented aspects of the prototype device will be carried out on different types of +65 age end-users in Belgium, Denmark, Spain, and Taiwan. The testing and technical characterisation of the prototypes will be done using professional measurement equipment in-house and externally. All collected data, including biometric data collected using state-of-the-art methods and technology, will be used to improve the performance of the solution.


The project will produce prototypes of a simple, wearable device, ALTO, that improves the wellbeing – both mental and physical – for users in the +65-year age segment. Restlessness, difficulties to sleep and a lack of energy are all prevalent feelings in the ageing population. The developed solution builds on proven, carefully researched benefits of the combination of light and aroma stimulation to increase the quality of life amongst its users and to positively influence relevant biomarkers. The objective of the project is to validate the interest for the concept/device in different markets and sales channels.

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